Shadow Stack  0.2
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Shadow Stack Documentation

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DrShadowStack is a software defined dynamic shadow stack implemented via DynamoRIO. DrShadowStack implements a shadow stack any binary given to it, provided the file has an ELF header. If the program attempts to return to a corrupted return address, DrShadowStack will terminate the entire process group (which it sets up). DrShadowStack can handle multi-threaded processes, processes that fork, processes that call any variation of exec. All of these processes will also be protected by DrShadowStack.

Table of Contents

  1. Docker
  1. Requirements
  1. Installation Instructions
  1. Usage
  1. Example
  1. Documentation
  1. Developers


A Dockerfile is provided with a pre-installed DrShadowStack binary. A docker image is also provided. It is hosted here on To pull the docker image simply execute: ```bash docker pull zwimer/drshadowstack ``` To run the container simply execute: ```bash docker run –rm -it zwimer/drshadowstack ``` If you would like to build the container yourself execute: ```bash git clone && \ cd DrShadowStack && \ docker build -t zwimer/DrShadowStack . ```


  1. This project utilizes DynamoRIO version 7.0.17636. This release can be found here.
  2. This project utilizes the C++ library Boost. This library can be built from source, as explained here. On Ubuntu 16.04, this library can be installed as follows: ```bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev ``
  3. The project is built on [Ubuntu 16.04 LTS]( via [CMake]( It requires compiler that supportsC++11`.
  4. The system architecture is in the x86 or x86_64 families.

For more specific information about requirements, visit the requirements wiki page here.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Clone the repository ```bash git clone ``
  3. Configure theDrShadowStack/src/CMakeLists.txt` file. Instructions in the file itself.
  4. Create a build directory ```bash cd DrShadowStack/src mkdir build && cd build ```
  5. Build with CMake and make ```bash cmake .. && make -j 4 ```


The full usage of this program can be found via: ./DrShadowStack --help

In general, the usage is of this format: ```bash ./DrShadowStack [–ss_mode <Mode>] <executable target>=""> <target arguments>=""> ```

There are two different modes, int (internal) and ext (external). The internal mode keeps the shadow stack internally in the DynamoRIO client. The external mode stores the stack in a separate process.


From the build directory of a previous version, an example could be: ```bash vagrant-xenial ~/S/s/build> ./DrShadowStack ls -la ./ total 612 drwxrwxr-x 3 vagrant vagrant 4096 Apr 3 20:01 . drwxrwxr-x 4 vagrant vagrant 4096 Apr 3 19:59 .. -rw-rw-r– 1 vagrant vagrant 14536 Apr 3 19:59 CMakeCache.txt drwxrwxr-x 7 vagrant vagrant 4096 Apr 3 20:01 CMakeFiles -rw-rw-r– 1 vagrant vagrant 1381 Apr 3 19:59 cmake_install.cmake -rw-rw-r– 1 vagrant vagrant 8045 Apr 3 20:01 compile_commands.json -rwxrwxr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 402168 Apr 3 20:01 DrShadowStack -rwxrwxr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 53264 Apr 3 20:00 -rwxrwxr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 96304 Apr 3 19:59 -rw-rw-r– 1 vagrant vagrant 15265 Apr 3 20:01 Makefile -rw-rw-r– 1 vagrant vagrant 8157 Apr 3 20:01 ss_dr_client.ldscript ```


Additional documentation of DrShadowStack can be found in the wiki.


Before pushing any code, please run the script. This will automatically update the changelog and format all C++ code.

Additional documentation to each component of DrShadowStack is built automatically via Travis CI utilizing Doxygen, and hosted here.